(continued from Service Filter)

Pre-Payment Scroll List

The column headings from Booking Name to Voucher are self-explanatory. The remaining columns are:


This field displays the voucher status.


The total cost (voucher) value of the service.

Previous Inv

Any amounts previously invoiced.

Invoice (Numeric, 15.2)

The amount that the system will create the pre-payment/deposit invoice for. This amount can be overridden in this field.

Where a service meets the criteria of both a deposit and a pre-payment, it will appear as one transaction in the scroll. Voucher 14359 is for a total of 569.20. Because both deposit and pre-payment criteria are met with the current date selections, the full payment is being made.


Vouchers 14357 and 14369 are a 50% deposit payment.

(C) Close (Checkbox)

Checking this box will close the voucher. Where a full payment is being made or the sum of the Previous Inv plus Invoice fields is equal to or greater than the Cost field, the C field will be checked by default.


To return to the Selections Filter screen click the Back Button in the Wizard Bar.


When any edits have been completed, click the Forward button in the Wizard Bar.

Screen Shot 17: Prepayment Invoice Creation Screen


This screen is used as the transaction header screen for the creditor’s invoices being created.

(continued in Pre-Payment Invoice Creation)